By now you've probably heard that collagen is a key structural protein found throughout the body in connective tissues (cartilage, tendons, bones, and even our hair and skin). Because our bodies slow in natural production of collagen as we age, demand for collagen supplements has rapidly increased. This is especially true for those with active lifestyles, as it can support healthy muscle development and reduce recovery time.
Gym & Tonic Collagen Protein, from Tonic Products, makes it easy to incorporate collagen into your daily life with their flavorless, odorless collagen powder. It is highly soluble, so will dissolve seamlessly into anything from your morning coffee to your post-workout smoothie! If you are craving a delicious and nostalgic option, here are three delicious collagen inclusive recipes based on popular childhood treats.
1. Crispy Collagen Marshmallow Squares
Nothing says comfort food like crispy marshmallow squares. These sweet and sticky treats are a clever way to add a healthy dose of collagen to your day. Just four ingredients and 15 minutes is all you need to make this simple no-bake snack!

2. Collagen Cranberry Applesauce
There are few snacks more beloved than applesauce. Whether you're looking for warm comfort on a cold winter day or trying to beat the heat with a healthy treat, applesauce is the answer. Homemade applesauce is easier to make than you think, and you can use any variety of apples you like! Add fresh cranberries for tartness, sugar and spice to taste, and an extra punch of Traditional Tonic Nourishing Collagen to transform this childhood favorite into the perfect protein-packed snack.

3. Collagen Chocolate Mint Thins
Who doesn't love chocolate mint? These rich, crunchy cookies taste just like childhood, yet they contain a healthy dose of Traditional Tonic Nourishing Collagen for the adult in you who cares about their skin, hair, and nails. This recipe may take a bit of time, but with simple ingredients and outstanding results, you'll be earning your cookie badge in no time!