It's hard to stay healthy during the holidays when everyone else seems to be indulging. Celebrating with friends and family is important, but how do you do it without ruining your diet?

These five healthy holiday recipes are designed to excite your tastebuds while eliminating the guilt. Enjoy!

1. AminoLean Holiday Punch

AminoLean Punch

View Recipe Here

RSP Nutrition AminoLean Amino Acids
RSP Nutrition AminoLean Amino Acids
AminoLean is an all-in-one energy, weight management, and recovery pre-workout for women & men.

2. Maple Mustard Brussels Sprouts

Maple Mustard Brussels Sprouts

View Recipe Here

3. TrueFit Pumpkin Pie

Truefit Pumpkin Pie

View Recipe Here

RSP Nutrition TrueFit Grass-Fed Protein
RSP Nutrition TrueFit Grass-Fed Protein
Lean Protein from Real Food Sources

4. Roasted Butternut Squash Fall Salad

Roasted Butternut Squash Salad

View Recipe Here

5. Roasted MCT Spiced Sweet Potatoes

MCT Spiced Sweet Potatoes

View Recipe Here

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RSP Nutrition's authors include many of the top coaches, nutritionists, and physique athletes in the world today.

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