Upper-Body Bands | Bodyweight Leg and Butt | Yoga and Mobility | Full-Body Bodyweight
This home leg workout gives you the same "this was just what I needed" feeling as a long gym workout, but in less time and with zero hassle. Don't have weights or bands? That's no excuse here.
BodyFit coach Kym Perfetto—aka Kym Nonstop—leads you through a total-body warm-up before taking you through three intense lower-body supersets. You'll add a few of the best new calisthenics exercises to your at-home workout repertoire through one-on-one instruction in a fun and fast-paced video.
Like what you see? The full Home Body: 8-Week At-Home Fitness Plan takes individual workouts like these to the next level by matching them strategically with upper-body, full-body, and yoga-style flow workouts throughout each week. Plus, Kym share how she eats, including a week's worth of high-protein vegetarian recipes from an award-winning chef, and the supplements she uses to recover while training.

Technique Tips
Even with no weights, this 25-minute leg workout is no joke! But Perfetto's high energy and sense of humor keep things fun even when you're gasping for air. Want to do some extra credit and master any of the moves in the workout? Here are the most important cues to remember.

This is an essential bodyweight glute exercise to keep in your exercise little black book. And because it's a single-leg lunge variation, it makes each leg work hard even without extra weight.
How to do it: Step back with one leg, swinging it behind your front leg as you kneel down. Keep your torso upright and your core engaged. Your front knee should be stacked over your ankle and your back knee should be behind your front foot. Exhale and push back up, returning to the standing position.
You can alternate sides with each rep or perform all reps for one side before switching to the other.

The two-legged version of the inchworm is a common component of well-designed warm-up routines. The simple tweak of lifting one leg off of the ground makes everything work harder: legs, core, shoulders, and then some. Expect to be surprised at how tough it is!
How to do it: Stand with your feet close together. Bend forward and put your hands on the floor, keeping your legs straight, and raise one leg in the air. Walk your hands forward, extending your hips until you are in a straight-arm plank position. Keeping your hands in place, lift your hips and take small steps to walk back up into a forward bend.
Repeat the walk-out sequence with your other leg raised.

Not a fan of burpees? Understandable. Instead, consider this variation on the classic exercise, which drops the push-up and plank and focuses squarely on the hips and hamstrings.
How to do it: Stand with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Bend over and touch the floor between your feet, keeping your back as straight as possible. Stand up quickly and raise your arms overhead, lifting up onto your toes. Repeat for reps.

Glute kick-backs have been revered for years as a secret to gorgeous glutes, but here's the real secret: you don't need a machine to perform them! In fact, this variation works both sides at once, since your standing leg has to balance while the rear leg kicks.
How to do it: Stand with your feet close together. Bend forward and kick one leg back as if you are kicking someone standing directly behind you. Bring your feet back together and repeat with the opposite leg.

Here's the other half of the burpee you skipped earlier! This exercise, a favorite of BodyFit coach Hannah Eden in her program FYR: Hannah Eden's 30-Day Fitness Plan, pushes the heart rate and introduces you to all kinds of deep muscles you didn't know you had.
How to do it: Stand with your feet close together. Bend over at the hips and place your hands on the floor. Jump your feet behind you into a straight-arm plank. Exhale as you jump your feet forward again, landing your feet just outside of your hands and lifting your hands off the floor into a low squat position. Jump back and repeat for reps.

This is a souped-up version of the popular reverse tabletop plank exercise. The static version is a common warm-up for the best glute and hamstring workouts. Here, you'll perform it as a burnout, with an extra bit of abs added in via the knees-to-elbows crunch at the top. Consider performing this move on a high-quality yoga mat to help avoid slipping.
How to do it: Get into a "crab" or reverse tabletop position, facing up with your hands and feet on the ground and your hips up. Bring your opposite-side knee and elbow up and touch them together over your body. Alternate sides with every rep.
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