How To Build Your Best-Ever Booty!
IFBB bikini pro Nina Ross knows that when she's on stage, her booty will be the center of attention. Here's how she trains to build a round, stage-ready backside!
If you want a round, peachy backside, you need a workout dedicated to building one. Yes, your leg-day squats are going to get you part of the way, but if you want a full, rock-hard booty, you have to hit some glute-isolation moves!
This workout is a dedicated glutes blast. Implement it into your training program once per week, and you'll see some fantastic changes in your physique. Keep in mind, though, that you need to bring the intensity. The workout is designed to build your butt, but you have to do the work.
Go heavy, train hard, and build a better booty!
Nina Ross's Glutes Blast
Watch the video - 3:40
Nina's Notes
Hip thrust
The hip thrust is one of the best exercises for building great glutes. To get the most out of the movement, though, you need to do it correctly. As you move your hips, keep them in line with your shoulders. Don't let your hips twist or move unevenly. I also want you to think about forcing your knees out—if your knees cave inward, you're just asking for an injury. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement. I use pretty heavy weight, so I keep the reps on the lower end.

Hip thrust
Dumbbell plie squat
The wide stance of this booty-building exercise will make your glutes burn! Stand with your feet a little wider than hip distance and turn your toes out. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in both hands with your arms extended. As you lower yourself down, keep your knees pointed out in the same direction as your toes. As you lift up, squeeze your glutes. The weight should be heavy enough that you start to feel the burn at about 8 reps. Keep going and make sure you finish at least 12 reps every set!

Dumbbell plie squat
Donkey kick-back
To perform this exercise, you can use a band, an actual machine, or the lying leg curl like I am. Whatever you choose, do your best to move your leg straight up and down. Try not to allow your feet or knees to flare out to the side as you squeeze.
It's also important that you keep the contraction in your glutes instead of your hamstrings. You can facilitate this by consciously thinking about your glutes firing and moving the leg. Once you get the hang of the movement, you'll be thrilled with the results.

Donkey kick-back
Cable kick-back
If you want that round look, then you need to perform the cable kick-back. This exercise works your medial (outside) glute, which is really important if you want your bum to look great from all angles. Most women don't think about training this part of their body, but I know it's made a huge difference to how I look on stage.
As you kick back, keep the edge of your foot facing the ceiling. Don't move your back or use momentum to move the load. Your glutes should be the catalyst for the movement.

Cable kick-back
Reverse hyperextension
If you don't have a reverse-hyper machine, use a GHD machine by laying your stomach over the pad and holding on to the platform. I like to wrap a band around my ankles so I'm constantly aware of engaging my glutes by keeping tension on the band. As you bring your legs up, squeeze your glutes as hard as you can and keep your feet against the bands.

Reverse hyperextension
Nina's Nurition
You can work and work your booty, but if you don't support all your glute-building in the gym with solid nutrition, you won't see any growth. So, implement these nutrition tips along with the workout!
Be calorie smart
How many calories you eat will depend entirely on your goals. If gaining is your primary goal, then you should eat an extra 200-500 calories. If you're trying to lose fat, then decrease your calories by about 20 percent.
Protein up
I'm sure you've heard this a billion times, but it's essential! If you're trying to lean down by eating fewer calories, you still need to support your growing muscles with protein. Try to get about one gram of protein per pound of body weight.
Pay attention
Your work isn't over when you start training and start making changes to your diet. Once you make those preliminary changes, it's essential that you continually take progress photos, do body-fat tests, and check how your clothes fit. If you pay attention to your progress, you'll know if you need to make changes to your diet or training plan.
Booty Rocking Everywhere!
Do you have a favorite glute exercise? Help your fellow athletes and competitors by sharing it in the comments section below.