Jumping jack-

The jumping jack is a classic calisthenics exercise to improve overall conditioning. It’s one the most recognizable exercises on the planet, and it’s almost synonymous with training for military recruits. It can be done for time or reps, often in dynamic warm-ups or to mobilize the hips and shoulders.


  1. Easy to learn and do. Anyone who’s had gym class has probably done these
  2. Burns calories and challenges cardiovascular system
  3. Good way to keep your heart rate up between sets and exercises
  4. Raises core temperature and mobilizes shoulders and hips before lifting or sports

Jumping jack- Images


Jumping jack- Instructions

Jumping jack- muscle diagram
  1. Start by standing with your feet together. In one motion, jump your feet out to the side and raise your arms above your head.
  2. Immediately reverse the motion by jumping back to the starting position.
  3. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.