Layne Norton's Peak Week: Your Peak Week Starts Here
This video series will tell you all you need to know about dialing it in during the last week pre-contest.
When it comes to competing, you're only as strong as your weakest link. How many times have you heard a competitor say that? If you've said it yourself, or are contemplating your next show and need help, this series of video articles is for you.
Your Peak Week Starts Here
Why Competitors Often Blow It
There's a reason why disappointment is the norm and success is the exception. Practically every gym in America has a "guru" with a secret plan guaranteed to make you super-dry, full, and shredded onstage. Unfortunately, most of these plans are complete BS.
The purpose of this video series is to simplify peak week so that you can hit the stage at your very best—and win!
So join me as I take you step-by-step through five videos telling you everything you need to know about nutrition, water and sodium, weight training and cardio, posing, and stage presence—the five pillars of competition success.
Peak Week Video Series
The five videos below will tell you all you need to know about dialing it in during the last week pre-contest. The videos are divided by subject: nutrition, water and sodium, training and cardio, posing, and stage presence. Each of these disciplines is critical to master; don't skip any! When it comes to competing, you're only as strong as your weakest link. Completing this video series will ensure that you have none.
Episode 1: Nutrition
Learn what to eat and what not to eat, especially where carbohydrates are concerned, during this critical week. Of course, protein and fat are covered, too.
Episode 2: Water & Sodium
Water and sodium may be the trickiest elements of all to manage pre-contest. Learn how to manage their delicate balancing act with my series of dos and don'ts.
Episode 3: Training & Cardio
Training and cardio have brought your physique this far, but if you don't manage your workouts well during peak week, it could all be for naught.
Episode 4: Posing
Posing is an art form and a science rolled into one. I provide details on how to hit every pose to full effect, showcasing your physique in the best possible way.
Episode 5: Stage Presence
Stage presence is a hard-to-define quality that separates the winners from the losers. You might think you naturally either have stage presence or don't, but you can actually learn it.