Squat, bench, and deadlift. The big three. The standard of strength. No one has been able to replace them, and you'll never outgrow them. Make consistent progress on the big three, add in a little bodybuilding work and a smart diet, and you'll build the body you want: dense, muscular, and strong. This program will help you do it.
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Layne's strength and muscle program is for advanced lifters with a base of fitness who want to maximize their strength and muscle mass. It's centered around the big three lifts from powerlifting, but works for strong bodybuilders, too. You lift heavy, do targeted accessory work to fill in the gaps, and perform blood flow restriction training to add extra volume without getting beat up!
Layne Norton shows you the ropes in an extensive program overview video, plus complete guides on how to squat, deadlift, and bench press the correct way. See how your technique stands up to Layne's form standards, and apply his 1RM testing protocol to see what you're truly capable of.
In a comprehensive video and accompanying diet guide, Layne Norton's no-nonsense approach to nutrition provides the perfect complement to Ph3's classic lifts and airtight programming. You'll get customizable macro guides for your body size and a full supplement plan complete with recommended dosages, plus science-based explanations of why each supp is important.
PH3 has already changed thousands of lives. Here's what those who followed it have to say.
This is the most effective program on Bodybuilding.com! I did it last summer and broke the 1000-pound club. I did it again this summer and brought my total to 1,125 pounds. This program is a lot of work, but the results are definitely worth it!
Just finished this program and all I can say is wow! I am now the strongest I have ever been in my life. My squat went from 345 to 455 pounds, my bench went from 265 to 335 pounds, and my deadlift went from 260 to 355 pounds. The calculators and systematic approach is very effective. Thanks Layne!
I just finished my first go with this program and my numbers are solid! My squat started at 185 pounds. Now it's 290. My bench was 185 pounds, now it's 210. My deadlift was 225 pounds, now it's 355! I can't wait to join the 1,000-pound club this next go around.
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