Podcast Episode 18: The Buff Dudes and the Eternal Journey for Gains
The clown princes of online fitness, aka Brandon and Hudson White, stop by to talk about their incredibly popular YouTube channel, their evolving approach to fitness education and satire, and their upcoming program and video series with Bodybuilding.com.
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Episode 18: The Buff Dudes and the Eternal Journey for Gains. The clown princes of online fitness, aka Brandon and Hudson White, stop by to talk about their incredibly popular YouTube channel, their evolving approach to fitness education and satire, and their upcoming program and video series with Bodybuilding.com.
Publish Date: Monday, May 15, 2017
Behind The Scenes Video:
Ep. isode 18 Highlights & Transcript ▼
- Goodbye to Krissy!
- The Buff Dudes origin story, 300-ish videos in
- Their most popular videos are…
- Navigating the line between humor and instruction
- Where their new ideas come from
- The dawn of the dudes
- Brandon's first show and "Klondike bulk"
- Why they really like doing teen-focused videos
- Buff Dudes on the Misc!
- How their first bulk since the teen years went
- Their favorite ways to train: efficient, fast, superset-packed
- Their new project: The Buff Dudes and the Journey for the Goblet of Gains
- Boss battles, levels, 8-bit music… meet the classic video game for lifters, come to life
- Speaking of life… meet Buff Dudes Live: the stage show! Irvine, California, June 11
Nick Collias: Hey, everyone. Welcome to The Bodybuilding.com Podcast, here in the executive board room today. We're the CEOs for the day. Anyone want to go do something completely reckless? Calf implants on the insurance plan, perhaps?
Krissy Kendall, Ph.D.: I can. What are they going to do to me?
Nick: I'm Nick Collias, an editor for Bodybuilding.com. Here to my left we have Krissy Kendall, science editor, in her final podcast. She's moving away, down under, where the weights are in kilos. She's just going to fall right off the face of the damn Earth down at the bottom. Right? That's what happens. You go down there, you just fall off.
Krissy: Yeah.
Nick: We'll miss her in the podcast. To my right we have two familiar faces, The Buff Dudes, Brandon and Hudson, Hudson and Brandon. Who gets top billing?
Hudson White: We'll do it alphabetically so no one gets offended.
Nick: There we go.
Hudson White: Older brother, younger brother.
Nick: There we go, there we go.
Hudson White: It depends.
Nick: They are Youtube's kings of better understanding food and fitness and fart jokes.
Hudson White: Yeah, or the clown princes.
Nick: The clown princes, okay.
Hudson White: Bathroom humor always sells pretty well, at least for us.
Nick: You got to have a little bit and I like that, you know, as the channel has matured you haven't abandoned your roots in a little bit of poop jokes.
Hudson White: Yeah, we try not to change too much. Dumb and Dumber is one of our favorite comedies so I think that kind of spawned all of our bathroom humor after that, from a young age. The channel matures and we get more immature.
Nick: Mature in a relative term. So you guys are hanging out in Boise doing a big project with us but before we dig to that- or dig into that I wanted to chat about what you guys have actually built over the last four-ish years because I was watching the very first one this morning, the very first Buff Dudes video and it seemed to come out somewhat fully-formed. Like, I fully expected it to be a total little turd. Shat on-
Hudson White: Right. There we go.
Nick: Shot on a camcorder.
Hudson White: Hey, let the bathroom humor continue. I love it. We love the bathroom humor, we love where your head’s at, where this is going. Yeah, this is nice.
Nick: But, put me at the moment when this vision sort of came to you.
Brandon White: I'll let Hudson take over that 'cause I feel like he's explained this quite a few times in the past, as…
Hudson White: It was four years ago...
Brandon White: There we go.
Hudson White: We were both on, we were actually at the gym, so it's fitting, and we were discussing a good way to spend our free time. We're living down in LA at the moment and sometimes down there, you're waiting on other people to give you a go. So, we figured hey, we'll just do something in the meantime. So, we spent actually, what you said as far as fully formed, we spent a couple months because we love animation, illustration, all that good stuff, graphic design, so we spent a couple names, spent a couple months thinking up the name, the graphics. We wanted to have it really fun, that's what we thought of the acronym Buff Dudes and then it could stand for Better Understanding Of Food and Fitness, and we really wanted like the Bill Nye the Science Guy, the Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter, all that stuff we kinda grew up on that we really enjoyed but where people could learn some things but also they could be entertained. So, that's why we've always tried to keep it really light and funny and even in the beginning, like with that first episode, we're like hey let's just do it over the top and silly so people were right away go, "Oh okay, this isn't really like....” They're not going to be too put off because I know, even in this day and age, surprisingly people can still be like "Fitness guys?" And be a little like, ugh, so we just want to let everyone know, "Hey, it's fine, even if you don't enjoy fitness necessarily, you'll have a good time," hopefully.
Nick: Right. I was just relating to somebody the other day who was unfamiliar with you guys. I was like it's kind of like Square One or Bill Nye the Science Guy but for fitness.
Hudson White: Yeah, definitely. There you go, you got it, perfect.
Nick: Square One, I love that show, it reminds me… And the music… I was thinking there's satire and also like engaging with stuff in culture built into it.
Brandon White: Yeah, yeah.
Nick: So, when though, did you kind of have a moment where you thought okay this might actually have some legs?
Hudson White: I think it was nice because it was very organic, I mean we never had as far as the online world goes, sometimes you'll have people who have something big right away, we've had a few friends because down in that LA area, you're surrounded by a lot of creators and everything. And they ended up shooting themselves in the foot a little bit because they would have something big immediately, like millions of views or whatever, and they'd be like "Whoa so this is what it's like?" And then they would do something else and it would be like "here" and that wasn't their fault, that's just kind of the way it works. Whereas with us it was a very, very slow progression so we were just very happy every time we would get a new subscriber, a new comment, it was always like whoa, people are actually watching this? It was just very exciting for us and I think it was after the first two years we looked back and went "Oh wow, we've actually started to build something," and it's just like fitness with the consistency. We just thought we have to do this every single week and then you do look back and go "Oh, this is awesome."
Nick: And how many are there, how many videos have you made?
Hudson White: 300, I think? Yeah, yeah.
Nick: On a fairly steady cadence it seems like, too so you haven't ever "Okay, we've got to start doing it every day," vlog-style.
Hudson White: Yeah, we've never gone that- we've experimented with it.
Brandon White: We like quality over quantity, in a sense. We didn't want to go over too much where we're just like every day we're just doing a vlog and everyday stuff.
Hudson White: For us, it's more fun for us to just do entertaining, kind of bigger budget stuff, although that's not always the case.
Brandon White: Although, that's kinda what we strive for, for sure. It's just, to add that entertaining quality and take some time to maybe come up with an idea and maybe write a script and then the actual shooting, then of course Hudson with the editing and stuff like that. It's a lot lengthier than let's say, just having a camera and just recording yourself as you're going along your daily activities. That was kind of the struggle sometimes.
Krissy: And that was the, one of the things I said to Nick, watching the videos, the quality, like you just said, like this is really impressive. And so, I'm interested to know, you have an idea, the whole timeline. So, you map it out, how long it takes to go through that whole process to shoot it, to edit it, to just do… and I know you have different lengths of videos, there are some that are four and five minutes, that might be like a shorter recipe one, or a longer one like average length it takes you to throw something together?
Hudson White: Yeah, what we have a lot, we find a lot of enjoyment is, is we love to create a process, we love having a crew. We love doing stuff by ourselves, of course, but the longer we've done this, the more energy we can inject when we have other people helping along, just like with the Bodybuilding.com crew this week that we worked on with this project you mentioned. You have those other people in there and they inspire you to just go bigger, go better and usually it's a lengthy process depending on, like you said, the project but it has been getting lengthier and lengthier so we do, every once in a while, step back and go, "We need to tone it down a little bit" because it's getting a little too big because then too much is riding on them and you've spent so much time that with that very shaky online world, it may not really go over as well as you had hoped. And then you’re like, "Aw, man…"
Brandon White: We're out four days of doing all this stuff and then we don't get as many views as we want. It could take a day to really hammer down a good idea, write a few synopses, write a few ideas and kind of flush one out. Move on from there and actually the shooting process and a lot of times the editing process depending on the scale of the video can take a couple days, if not more. So, I mean, the post-production can sometimes take the longest and that's hard.
Nick: And I feel bad for the Bodybuilding.com crew because they have their hands full with this one. Well, the words already getting out now, okay it's like a Buff Dudes video, well good that's what we would hope.
Krissy: We have amazing editors who love doing that sort of thing, so...
Nick: Is it a fairly smooth running machine at this point or do you find yourselves scrambling like "Oh shit, my life, my professional life, my personal life, is riding on us getting this done in the next day."
Hudson White: Yeah, in the beginning, it was more so for sure, especially because we did work. You know there's a time where I worked two jobs, Brandon worked two jobs and then we're trying to do this as well on the weekends so with the social world as I'm sure many people know, it can eat up all of your time with all the social media outlets and our biggest thing is always just making a good video and sometimes we can really slack on all those other things. Well, then you've got to keep everyone updated on Snapchat or whatever and it gets to you a little bit like it's too much. So, that I would say is the most overwhelming part where we personally just like to be left alone to do a project and then get it out there.
Nick: Yeah, and when you started doing this, maybe there wasn't the same level of pressure to be that social media psycho to quote one of your-
Hudson White: Yeah, yeah, yeah for sure, not at all. Exactly.
Nick: Give it some life you know.
Hudson White: That was a commentary on others and us as well, we're not going to lie.
Brandon White: Even back then, there wasn't as many social media platforms they've really expanded as it goes along. It feels like every other week there's a new social media platform that you have to jump on and to expand and make sure you're kind of on top of the game and stuff. It can be a little much at times but when you love to do it, you've just got to remember to do it.
Nick: I was looking at what you're most watched videos are and I think number one was Gym Wildlife which is pretty silly gratuitous, cleavage, it's much more of a humor video and then the second one was Upper Body Training for Teens which was also featured on Bodybuilding.com and was much more instructional have you been surprised by what's resonated like "Okay, clearly we’re speaking to this person directly"?
Hudson White: Yeah, it is. And that's another thing we've had to reel ourselves in a little bit because we do like "We want to do this and this" and we have to remember that there are times we need to streamline it so people aren't like "Who are these guys? They're doing a crazy video and then a serious training video." So that one, the teen training really was nice for us because I feel like when we are doing a little bit of the more serious educational stuff, it's cool to have like, a teenager in there with us because then we have their passion, they're not so jaded, but they're just so used to everything they're like "Oh, yeah yeah yeah, whatever" and they're just like "Whoa" so then that gives us energy. So we do enjoy doing that as well but we just cannot stop the silly stuff. That just gives us, we just get to go wild. I'm glad we can have access to both of those worlds.
Nick: And you guys were spindly teens at one point, yourselves.
Brandon White: It's always kind of nice to be able to inspire and motivate and stuff. Whether that be through a funny and entertaining video or an actually training video, we try to hit it all as much as we can.
Krissy: I think that comes across in the nutrition videos as well because no one likes to, I was watching one, you know, you're making cauliflower tots or something. It's like the worst thing ever and I've tried to make them, I've tried to do that before and it's just horrible-
Nick: Smell up the house.
Krissy: And I'll probably never make it but at least it's entertaining to watch and I think that's the biggest thing and we've kind of hit on it a few times it reaching this audience. And in the past it's instructional videos can be incredibly boring to watch and someone just standing there doing something. When you can make it almost theatrical or almost like you're watching a show now and you're watching characters more or less- but you're getting the education, why is this important, what does this do for me, it just takes it to a completely different level and there's not a whole lot out there that's doing it, for anyone. Whether they're teenagers, whether their middle-aged or adults or whatever...
Nick: For fitness in particular, it made me wonder, going back to when you guys started to find your way in fitness as spindly teenagers, not only who helped inspire you to go down that path but actually see "Okay this is stuff we love, this is actually fun, it's not just something I'm desperately need these biceps" you know?
Brandon White: Yeah, we're not too obsessed with it but at the same time, we've been doing it for quite a while as well, it almost just... We're hoping people just watch it and have fun but also, it makes it fun for us because if you do that same thing again and again, there's only so many ways you can explain how to squat or bench press. After a while you have to come up with another way to actually make it interesting because, at least in some kind of way, not only for the viewer but even us in front of the camera or doing some silly skit about it so that's always fun. We try to make it fun.
Krissy: I think it comes across on your videos as fun.
Hudson White: That's good.
Krissy: Where would you say in general, new ideas, where do they come from? Because there's a lot of videos already out there, you guys have a lot of videos, you're coming up on over 300, how do you keep coming up with new things? We struggle with this all the time, with articles.
Nick: That's not true.
Krissy: Don't give away our struggle. No, but it's, you just said it—how many times have you come up with saying how to do a squat or what the benefits of a squat are. It's something that still needs to be talked about. You're always going to have a new audience. There's always going to be someone who clicks on BBcom article or clicks on a video but how do you present it in a new way. I know sometimes we'll see something in the gym, we see someone doing it wrong, we're like "Ah, that's what we need to talk about" or we just hear someone needs to talk about it so, I'm always interested to hear how people get their inspiration.
Brandon White: I think you brought up a good point. It's mainly just be aware of your surroundings, pop culture, movie references, anything that you can kind of reference to that people relate to. I feel like we try to get as much influence as we can, if not from other people, movies, experiences we've had in the past whatever they may be. Sometimes there's a struggle because you really have to rack your brain to figure out how can you present it in a package in which it is not only entertaining but relatable and informational as well. And there's so many more fitness personalities online than there even was four years ago, everyday it's just very vast. So we've kind of found to ease back a little bit. There's so many great people, so much advice that we're like, you know, we always want to keep the education, of course, but I think we’ve probably amped up our entertainment even more because we just want to focus on what we do best. We don't want to try the exact same game, like you guys were mentioning earlier with vlogs. I mean, we're kind of boring guys. We have the energy and the entertainment for these videos but then after that it's just kind of like all right. We'll just become hermit and begin writing the next one or whatever. So that particular format doesn't work quiet as well for us but other people just kill it so we try to focus on the entertainment. Like, why we're growing our beards all gnarly right now, we want to do kind of like a history of fitness. Show it through, beginning with the neolithic age and kind of moving- To just be silly with it so people can see characters and they can maybe get a little bit of history in the process. As we said, it's just very entertaining for us as well.
Nick: Yeah, and then there's room for total absurdity in there, as well.
Hudson White: As long as there's room for that.
Krissy: Yeah, that's the best part.
Nick: In the most recent video I saw, it was taking place on a farm, it’s like a farm safety video, and the fitness aspect is totally absurd. You have to wrap your brain around the whole concept and it's with your dad as well.
Hudson White: We really based that on, you'll see, and not so much anymore, but back in the day there was so many of those school educational videos and they're always so serious you know. The monotone voice over it, so we're like, let's just get wow and do something that's silly.
Brandon White: Squats on the hay bales.
Hudson White: Exactly. And sometimes too, it's kind of experimental to see people reaction to it. We'll be doing it and we'll be excited doing it but then we're excited also to see the reactions will be, because we'll just be like this is so out of left field for so many people that are maybe subscribed to our channel because they watch maybe one of the more training videos. Then this comes out and they're just kind of like "What the heck is this?" And it's always fun reading comments, sometimes it can be a little harsh.
Nick: I was about to say, they're fun? More like soul-shattering. But you guys have been doing this for a long time. You've been lifting and training for a long time. So I want to go back to the, sort of the dawn of the dudes a little bit. I know that your dad was an inspiration, you were kind of working together as an older brother, younger brother probably too. But put us at the dawn of the dudes.
Hudson White: Yeah definitely, our dad got it into us for sure, started hitting the gym at about 14. An inspiration to him was Steve Reeves, you know, Hercules, so we'd see a little glimpse of that and we'd be like "Who is that?" You know his beard and all that set in the ancient age. So he was working out and then we'd begin to go with him an I think what really got us going was when Brandon just turned 19, I was 20, it was like, well why don't we just try to prepare you for a teen training competition. Because it seemed like the competition wasn't—you know you turn 20 and all of a sudden you're in a completely different ball game. So we're like, the teenage might work a little better. So yeah. Brandon got prepared, it was all just trial and error. I'll let you explain that Brandon. It was a learning experience.
Brandon White: Yeah, it was kind of one of those things where you see these guys in the magazines, you see how they look and you're like what's it take to look like that. We had already been working out but it was just going to the gym and lifting some weights, not knowing what the hell we were doing. So pretty much just doing as much research as possible. We cruised the Bodybuilding.com forums. Reading up on peoples experience and Hudson, I think, you kind of scouted that out before even I did. You were letting me know as far as the zero carb kind of thing. We didn't know, we had no clue. We were still teens at that time. So, I kind of did this mini bulk to put on as much weight as possible-
Nick: Like the Klondike bulk.
Brandon White: Pretty much yeah. That is exactly it. You’ve done your research.
Hudson White: As much as we love our dad, his advice was all about calories. All about calories.
Brandon White: So I went to the grocery store and I was cruising the aisles and I found the Klondike bars. And I was like one, they're probably delicious and two, they’re like 600 calories each. That means if I have like three at night, I'll put on some weight real quick, not having any clue- yeah right gains, all about the gains. I remember doing that for a while and then waking up one morning and I was kind of workin’ out or whatever, I was getting up one morning and I was getting a little chunky. And I looked in the mirror and I was like something's not right here. I don't think this is the way to do it. They were going right here on my stomach. So I had to do some more research. I actually started learning a little bit more about it and started doing it the right way and working out pretty hard. Went thought the competition phase and it was great. It was a great experience, probably something I wouldn't do again because it's so much work and a lot of effort but it was a great tool to learn how to- to learn about your own body and what it takes.
Nick: Especially at the time in your life when your just an anabolic machine, right? You feel likes there's value for an experience like that? For a young man, just in maximizing that crucial part of his life?
Brandon White: Oh, absolutely. I think that's probably why we do gravitate towards doing teen videos because when we were that age the information wasn't quite as available, other than maybe Bodybuilding.com. But after that and in this day and age with YouTube and Instagram, you have a lot of people to look up to but in the same sense that we can hopefully bring in some information to some people who are maybe curious about it or want to get into it. If not bodybuilding, just a healthy lifestyle.
Nick: Did you ever heed the call of the stage?
Hudson White: No, I never did. I saw Brandon compete twice and it was just like he was saying. It was, as much work as it was, and it was very rewarding, don't get me wrong, but I was just always- felt really rewarded in other avenues such as the production side. That was the whole creativity in that outlet was something that I gravitated towards almost immediately. In fact, we need to check our username because I think it's like a 2004 account on Bodybuilding.com. Old school on BodySpace. We had the pictures and a lot of people were very helpful like "Yeah, we recommend this and that", and we were so clueless.
Brandon White: We were like huh, all right.
Hudson White: We may have to go dig up the old misc comments.
Brandon White: Yeah, we hit that forum up a few times. Don't look up the old comments.
Nick: You guys just did a recent video series that was all beards and bulks. How is bulking this far in the game different from the old Klondike bulk back in the day?
Hudson White: About the same.
Brandon White: Well, not really.
Krissy: There's pizza involved. That's my pitfall.
Brandon White: Yeah, pizza and beer. We try to be as strict as possible but we're around our parents at this point and mom’s home cooking you know. As good as it is you can sometimes get a little carried away. She like, come on, here’s mamas meatballs. Like a thousand calories.
Hudson White: Venezuelan baseball players are notorious for coming back from the off season completely overweight and they ask why is this and they go "My grandma, man" she makes these arepas, they're unbelievable.
Brandon White: We have something in common with them, for sure. Mom's always giving us the biggest carb-loaded meal right before bedtime.
Krissy: And you don't leave the table without finishing your meal.
Brandon White: Exactly.
Nick: It's right there what are you supposed to do with it for Christ's sake?
Brandon White: She slaved over that meal, you had better finish it. It's not going to eat itself.
Hudson White: But it's been going great. Absolutely. It's kind of new because we hadn't done a bulk since our teens, so we were like "I think it'll be really interesting to do that and see how much size we can put on" but it's been going really good.
Nick: Done a bulk, we're talking like four months of just continuous eating?
Brandon White: Put on about 20 lbs and trying to put on as much strength as possible, which was a lot of fun, but I think we're ready for a cut.
Hudson White: Summer's coming.
Brandon White: Especially here, it's been so nice out.
Krissy: Finally. So how- what does your training look like now? Has it changed a lot, bulk versus train-
Hudson White: We are big fans of- Like with what Brandon was saying about the one rep max’s, we hadn't ever really done it so it's just very interesting for us. If we really put ourselves to it, how much could we do. That was interesting. We didn't quite hit maybe what we wanted to but that happens. We'll just continue to try to up that. We're real big fans of things such as supersets, just getting in there, getting it done. Never really more than like an hour or so. Not a lot of time to sit around and talk, it makes it perfect for us as training partners, so one of us will just hit the exercise and we'll just keep switching out. We usually keep the heart rates pretty high and yeah.
Brandon White: It's not fun right, you get in there, get out. Hypertrophy is, I think, one of our favorites. Implementing supersets or drop sets. Just implementing higher energy, higher volume, high intensity kind of stuff. That's what we grew up on anyway after Steve Reeves when you start getting into the bodybuilding, the evolution of that is then Arnold and Frank Zane and Frank Columbo and stuff. That's like that's all of sudden into the golden era of the 70's, 80's guys and that's how they trained for most of the part and that's kind of, looking at all the magazines, how I learned in the beginning. Whereas, I'll just follow their programs because they look great. If I worked out like them, I would look like them. And for the most part, we both fell in love with that style of training and then we just continued on training like that.
Nick: You guys have covered so much ground in these videos, too. They're on every conceivable type of strength train… there are full body workouts, there are totally minimalist workouts, there are very specific movements. Do you feel like moving through all of that has influenced your training as well 'cause it's easy for someone to get into a rut for the last year. This is what I do, this is what my body likes. Do you find that feeds back into what you're actually doing?
Hudson White: Oh definitely. We did some body weight stuff last year due to recommendations from the channel subscribers which we've also really found that we like because we don't know everything, we don't know how to do everything so it's nice when we're getting that feedback.
Brandon White: Speak for yourself.
Hudson White: It is so nice to get that positive… ya know, criticism is great when it has a point and it's not just your typical YouTube comment of "Whatever, you guys suck." But when they say "Hey, I think you should try this because it will benefit you in this way" and everything. So we've done stuff, such as a bodyweight series which we really enjoyed. We’re really big fans of just keeping it so simple, a lot of my favorite workouts, we had an outdoor, backyard gym for a while, which we really loved. I'd really love to try to build one of those in the future, like half indoor, half outdoor. Because for me it is motivating and inspiring to me, the real simple things like working out for a little bit, going outside, feeling the sun, jumping in the pool immediately afterwards. That's what drives and inspires me, those little things.
Nick: Otherwise, it can be super easy to get stuck in the basement, eh? Of course, it’s a pretty sweet lookin’ basement.
Hudson White: Oh yeah, exactly, exactly. Yeah, the ceiling is not too high though, that really holds you back.
Nick: So tell us what you've been working on here. My understanding is that this is the 9-Week Journey to the Goblet of Gains.
Hudson White: Oh yeah, the name says it all. Buff Dudes and the Journey for the Goblet of Gains. Cue the angelic kind of-
Nick: I'm envisioning some kind of 8-bit music, like this feels like a video game.
Krissy: Very much so.
Hudson White: They're inspired by a video game. We were huge fans of that stuff growing up, the original NES and the SNES and stuff like that so, whether it be Double Dragon Bad Dudes or any kind of RPG, think of Zelda so-
Nick: No Tetris, is this a Tetris theme? Everything I know about the human body I learned from Tetris.
Hudson White: Tetris is great. Wrist is connected to the elbows. So yeah, very, very much inspired by a video game. And again, we're trying to implement that real fun entertaining quality and the Bodybuilding team has just been amazing. Immediately got what we're about. It's nice when you work with crews right on the same page, when they're saying "Oh, this is like this" and you're like "Exactly". So each boss is going to represent a certain style, you know, you have a boss who's like superset, another one is steady-state cardio and they each have their own look and feel. We're trying to get people, hopefully, maybe people who have been doing it for a while and want something refreshing or maybe someone who has never done it like "Oh, wow, this is kind of an inventive nice, entry level way to learn about these things" without feeling too intimidated. But yeah, it's going to be very silly for sure.
Brandon White: It's a journey. So, in this case there will be three phases, or three worlds. The first world is going to have three levels and then you're going to kind of make it through those three levels. You're going to beat that world, move onto the next world and so on and so forth. Hopefully by the end, in the last world, on the last level, Level Three/World Three, you will acquire the goblet of gains.
Nick: I was gonna say, the goal is gains.
Krissy: All the gains.
Brandon White: Oh yeah, it’s all about gains.
Hudson White: There's a little surprise ending, a little twist at the end.
Nick: I hope you get to type in your initials, 3 letters if you win?
Krissy: Ha, first place. Don't give away all the good ideas.
Hudson White: Oh, that would be awesome!
Nick: AZZ. I don’t know. I really apologize if I just ruined it.
Brandon White: Just keep talking.
Nick: Well, so what's next then, after this? Another big cut or anything exciting?
Hudson White: Yeah, we actually have a live show.
Nick: Oh that’s right, I saw that. What's going into the live show?
Hudson White: Good question. This is the brainstorming. Exactly.
Brandon White: Koala sex. We'll just put two koalas onstage and say there ya go.
Krissy: Start counting to 43.
Brandon White: Exactly. Everyone count along now. It's reps, repetition.
Nick: I like it.
Hudson White: Gym Wildlife taken literally. There it is. No, we're going to try to implement that history into it, so we'll be like cave dudes and all that stuff. And then we'll have live action—Dawn of the Dudes. Thank you, thanks for that, we'll give you credit.
Nick: I like it, so then we can look for it in a town near us. It's going to go on the road, right?
Hudson White: Hopefully, we'll see. It's an experimental show.
Brandon White: And it's going to be in Irvine, June 11th. So that'll be the official date.
Dr. Krissy Kendall: Very cool.
Brandon White: The pressure's on to make sure it's a good show.
Nick: Yeah, totally. Well, you can also find them on YouTube, of course. You have multiple YouTube channels, right?
Hudson White: Three. Workouts, food, and then just the all-in-one. The main dude entertainment craziness.
Nick: And then on all the other social media things. If they're interested in you rather than just seeing- And also on Bodybuilding.com imminently and we'll link in the description in case somebody smashed their fingers and can't type.
Brandon White: Ok, perfect. They can use their nose.
Nick Collias: Thanks a lot for coming by, guys.
Hudson White: Yeah, thanks so much for having us.
Old School Cool: 8 Exercises That Deserve To Be Remembered
The Buff Dudes reach back into the past to find some oldie-but-goodie exercises that are almost gone but shouldn't be forgotten. Get hip to moves like the Zercher squat and the Otis-up.