Everyone wants awesome arms to show off their hard work at the gym. Flexed biceps are so popular, they have their own emoji—you know you've used it!
If you're looking for an arm workout to add some size to your bis and tris, try this superset plan. Remember, the rest time is between supersets, so perform both exercises quickly in succession before taking a break.
Superset: Standing Cable Curl With Press-down
Use whatever handle you want. I'm a fan of doing these with a rope, because it allows you to twist your wrists and get a little extra out of the contraction for each muscle group. Start with the low pulley to perform your curls, then take your rope up higher for the press-downs.

Here's the extra twist to really fire up those arms: Do three-second negatives on each rep. This helps you feel the muscles working, prepares your elbows for the rest of the workout, and ensures you control the weight instead of the other way around. Rest 45 seconds between supersets.
Superset: Barbell Preacher Curl With Seated Dumbbell Curl
The first superset was a classic biceps-and-triceps combo. Now you're pairing up two biceps blasters.
The advantage in this set is that you can perform these exercises quickly, back to back, because you can do both in one space. You know how to do preacher curls, so the only thing I'll say is make sure the tension stays on the biceps and don't release at the bottom of the rep.

To transition into the dumbbell curls, simply spin around in your seat and place your back against the preacher bench pad. This will also help minimize cheating as you curl. Alternate or use both arms at once—your call. Rest one minute between supersets.
Superset: Close-Grip Bench Press With Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension
Now it's time to shift focus to the triceps. As with the previous superset, both exercises can be performed at the same bench, making for a quick superset.
On the close-grip presses, position your hands shoulder-width apart. This aligns the joints and keeps the focus on your triceps without straining your wrists and elbows.
When you finish the press, swivel around so your head is at the opposite end of the bench. This allows you to perform the extensions without hitting the bar.

On the extensions, don't lift the dumbbells straight up. Press up and back at an angle, as if you're trying to touch the wall behind you. This puts emphasis on the triceps that you simply don't get lifting straight up and down. Rest one minute between supersets.
Superset: Concentration Curl With Single-Arm Press-down
Finish off this killer arm workout with a final bis-and-tris superset. Remember those 3-second negatives from earlier? You're adding them into your reps here as well.
Each of these exercises is an isolation exercise, so if you start with the right arm you'll do both exercises before switching to the left side. It should be right concentration curl, right press-down, then left concentration curl, left press-down.
The only rest you get here is the time it takes you to work with the opposite arm. While one arm is resting, the other is working. This saves time, minimizes rest, and maximizes work so you can make those arms grow.
This is a great once-a-week workout. Trust me, your arms will be destroyed!