Sage Northcutt, age 21, is currently the youngest fighter in the UFC. His youthful enthusiasm makes this workout seem like a piece of cake, but it's gonna hurt.
Coming from the world of UFC, Northcutt is into the application of force. You're going be doing a variety of reps and weights as a way to build explosiveness and speed throughout the workout and to develop pushing and pulling power.
So, prepare to get in touch with your inner cage fighter.

"Sage" Advice on Technique
Sumo Deadlift: Position your feet at a 45-degree angle to each other, and wide enough that they're almost to the end of the bar. Sage does these lifts sumo style because the grip position resembles the gable grip favored in the octagon.

T-bar Row: Sage likes this exercise because it develops pulling strength, and a lot of pushing and pulling goes on inside the octagon. Go through a full range of motion, so that when you put the weight on the ground, you engage the tiny muscle fibers inside your lats.

Chin-up with V-Bar Grip: As with the T-bar rows, the V-grip develops pulling strength by targeting the lats.

Chin-up with Hand Towel: This exercise should work your lats and biceps. If you connect your mind with your muscles, you'll notice you're working your pinkie grip to hold the towel. You'll also be working the small muscles in your forearms.
Straight-Bar Curl: Sage likes to go heavier with each set.
Underhand Pull-down: Keep your hands about shoulder-width apart. Maintain good posture: Don't lean back or slouch forward. Get a nice stretch on each rep.
Reverse Curl: By ending the workout with this exercise, you'll have worked your biceps starting up at the top and moving down all the way to the bottom.
Do this workout twice a week, in any order you want. Sage likes to mix it up, going from back to biceps and back again.