Calorie Burn Calculator for Exercise and Sports
Want to know how many calories you burned walking, running, or lifting weights? Dial in your calorie burn for over 100 activities!
Calorie Calculator | Total Daily Energy Expenditure | Maximum Heart Rate | All Training Calculators
Wondering how to burn more calories? Being more active is a great start. But how do you know how many calories you're actually burning?
This calculator will give you calorie burn estimates for over 100 common exercises, sports, and free-time activities, customized for your body size, the duration of the activity, and even how intense it is. Going running for 30 minutes? Shooting hoops for a 15-minute work break? How about a one-hour spin class? Know what you've burned no matter what you enjoy doing!
Are calorie burn calculators accurate?
A calorie burn calculation is just an estimate. Your age, anatomy, and fitness level can make a big difference in how many calories you burn in any given activity! But for many people, it is close enough to help them make more informed choices with how they train, and how they eat to match up with that training.
To learn more about all the fundamental ideas of nutrition—including calories—and how to match your eating to your activity level, dive into Bodybuilding.com's Foundations of Fitness Nutrition course.
How do I burn more calories?
Exercising regularly is definitely part of the equation! But it doesn't end there. Non-exercise activity, or what is known as NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) is a proven way to increase calorie burn and help you lose weight faster.
Examples of this include taking the stairs rather than an elevator, parking far away from a building rather than close to it, and standing rather than sitting when working if possible. Registered dietician Susan Hewlings breaks it down, along with some nutritional recommendations for weight loss, in the video, "How to Eat to Lose Weight."
Protein is your low-calorie friend for weight loss and muscle gain. Have a shake after training, or anytime as a meal replacement. - View All
Get Systematic About Your Results
Once you know how many calories you're burning, it's time to take the same kind of strategic method to the rest of your training and nutrition. These popular calculators can help you dial in your approach!