The Santa Monica Equinox
After a nice cup of coffee in the morning, I head over to my favorite gym and new sponsor, The Santa Monica Equinox.
I train for about an hour and a half, hitting either upper or lower body, and I always do tons of resistance-band work on my abs in between sets.
I usually listen to Oh Sheila or Wham Radio on Pandora. Love me some sexy '80s music.
Rock Jumping
A phobia I have (probably because of my damaged left ankle) is rock jumping. Ya know how people can easily jump from rock to rock in rivers or creeks or whatever? Not me! I am horrified.
It is super embarrassing. It's the idea of falling, I guess. I just am scared to death of slipping and falling and hurting myself. Even on the smallest drop (and I'm not afraid of heights).
I crawl like a monkey from rock to rock. So yeah, take me to a 30-foot cliff with my snowboard and I'll hang, but, please, no river-rock-jumping for me!
Oh, and spooked horses! I'm scared to death of riding a fast-paced spooked horse—but that's a whole other scaredy-cat thing. Just keep me on my boards and we are good!
Running On The Beach
I love a good run on Santa Monica beach right in front of my house in the early mornings. With barely anyone out there, Mother Nature is in full effect and I can really just let my imagination go to some awesome places.
There are so many birds out and leftover sand castles from the day before. I love taking pics of the surfers and dolphins when they are out and about.

A Man Kissing Me The Right Way
Hiking Uphill
On weekends, I take an awesome, intense, uphill hike in Malibu, always involving some beautiful waterfalls.
The view from the top is breathtaking, and I'm panting like crazy as I slip into photography mode, wanting to share the beauty with fans via Facebook.
I also love trail running really fast with someone. I feel like a Indian warrior princess running through the forest. Ha! I'm a dork, I know, but it's truly so amazing!
When the surf's good, you can find me out in the water paddling on one of my beautiful Rogue Stand Up Paddle boards or my surfboard.
I am trying to SUP and surf as much as possible now, as I am gearing up for a SUP trip to Brazil, where I'll paddle the Amazon River.

My heart is gonna be beating faster than ever, knowing all the crazy wildlife there to attack me if I fall in. And I'll be heading off on my long-awaited surf trip to Bali this summer. The coral reef breaks are deadly there.
I'm seriously gonna be scared out of my mind based on horror stories I've heard. But that's not stopping me!

Every afternoon, I take an hour-and-a-half class, level 3/4, of intense Vinyassa Flow yoga around 4:15 each day with my yogini guru, Sara Ivanhoe (yoganation.com). It is the hottest, sweatiest, most amazing yoga I have experienced.
Yoga has not only made my physique the leanest and toned it's ever been, but it's also made me stronger in all areas of my life—physically, mentally and emotionally.
I fell so in love with it that I became certified as an instructor in December. I felt stronger this season on the mountain, too. The strongest and most confident I have ever felt in my snowboarding.
Nothing brings me a rush like standing above a super-technical chute, a high cliff, or a powder cornice. God, I love it! It's so freaking crazy to even consider doing; then you're there, about to do it, already committed.

So you have no other way out than to yell "dropping," say your prayers, and make sure your legs are ready to keep up with your commands. I yell, "Woo-hoo, that's the way the women do it, baby!"
Sticking something crazy like that is probably my favorite feeling in the world.
Nothing scares me more than paddling out into big waves. It's the only time when I feel as if I've lost control of my body and Mother Nature has taken over completely.
The waves come at you with all force and no mercy, and when it crumbles me in the powerful white water break, I get thrashed.
Last May, the day of my brother's wedding, my board got pulled from me and blindsided me right in the nose! Yep—broken swollen nose to the bro's wedding. I was gushing blood in the water; it was a mess.
Spin Class
I follow up my resistance training with a high-paced spin class at Equinox. It's so fun and fast paced.
The music always gets me in my zone and takes me away to my early go-go dancing days.
Plus, I love the black-light effect they use in the room. Feels like we are dancing the hour away, club style.
For more info on Lauren Abraham, please visit her website at LaurenAbraham.com.
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