Build Your Body 4 Week Challenge | Week One | Week Two | Week Three | Week Four
The Ultimate Fitness Test With Coach Hunter
The Challenge: You have to complete all three of these in one week!
Test One

Elite Score: 2 miles (two 5 minute miles)
Test Two

Home Version: 3 minute Pushup test - chest to floor, full lock out at the top. Top level score - 40 per minute
Test Three

Goal score: 6:00 minutes. This is the US national team qualifying time. Athletes all over the country try to hit this number, if you can then you are a gym monster.
Home version - 6 minute Sumo deadlift high pull - get two dumbbells 50/35 men women’s weight. Dumbbells must touch the ground each rep, full lock out at the top with dumbbell at chin level. Top score 20 per minute - this is 12000 lb moved in 6 minutes!
If you don’t hit your goals then take 8 weeks to train before retesting again :)
Build Your Body 4 Week Challenge | Week One | Week Two | Week Three | Week Four