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Most of us can find at least a couple gym buddies who can push us to get better. But because Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet is part of such an elite club of high-level athletes in the CrossFit world, she must rely on herself for competition. "It's really hard, at my level, to find someone who can push me," she says. "The person who can push me is in Europe or the United States."
Camille trains—by herself, most of the time—in Quebec City, Canada. Yet flying solo doesn't appear to be hurting her chances of success. "I love training by myself," she says. "I don't know if I'm slowing down or not, and often I'm pushing harder by myself than I would with someone there. I just go as hard as I can. It's nice to have people to push you, but you also need to know how to push by yourself."
The CrossFit Lifestyle Episode 2
Watch The Video - 4:29
Camille has tried a lot of diets and tinkered with her macros, putting protein, carbohydrates and fats into different arrays. The mix that seems to work best for her is heavy on the carbohydrates.
"I feel like the most successful I've been is by eating carbohydrates," she says. "But, that doesn't mean I purely eat simple sugars. It means I eat good, high-quality carbohydrates. I want those glycogen stores full. When you hit the wall, that's when your body needs energy. I want to make sure I can push further than the wall."
So what's a good carb capable of filling up her glycogen stores? Camille favors sweet potatoes. "The sweet potato takes a little longer to get out of your system and you don't have as much of an insulin spike," she explains.

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