Here's a breakdown of what it takes for your body type to get the results you need and exactly what to eat and what supplements to take. Keep reading to find out exactly what to eat to ensure that you get results!
A great workout is just the beginning when it comes to building muscle. Here are some key nutrition and supplementation tips for the other 23 hours of your day.
Trifecta delivers the nutrition you need for the results you want. What you eat is key when it comes to fat loss and muscle gainâare you ready to do what it takes?
August 09, 2023
•2 min read
How you eat impacts how you train. Fuel up the right way to get the most out of intense running, cycling, or endurance workouts.
July 25, 2022
•3 min read
Drinking the same protein shake day in and day out gets old quick. Mix it up a bit with some of our favorite functional add-ins to kick your shake up a notch.
April 11, 2022
•2 min read
Simple, effective training works best with simple, effective nutrition backing it up. Here's how to eat to go along with this plan!
December 06, 2021
•6 min read
It's always a good idea to stay hydrated, but, after you lift, taking in enough fluid can mean the difference between muscle gained and opportunity lost.
October 19, 2021
•1 min read
It's possible to eat well and fuel muscle growth even as a student. Follow these 7 simple steps plan your college meals and supercharge your gains.
September 23, 2021
•4 min read
Tired of being a "skinny guy?" This muscle-building meal plan is exactly what you've been looking for to gain weightâthe good kind!
August 05, 2021
•2 min read
Whether you want to gain weight, lose weight, or just be all-around healthier, the right meal plan can help! If you've never tried meal planning before, this beginner's guide has everything you need to know to get started!
August 05, 2021
•3 min read
There's a reason the saying, "Abs are made in the kitchen," is so prevalent when trying to lose weight. Learn how to stock your kitchen so you can reach your weight loss goals!
August 05, 2021
•2 min read
This in-depth video series will empower your fitness abilities where most people feel most helpless: how much, when, and what to eat to achieve your goals.
August 03, 2021
•2 min read
Are carbs really as "bad for you" as people say? No, but they can definitely be misused! Here's what you need to know about the most divisive macro, as well as your guide if you're considering going low carb.
August 03, 2021
•2 min read
Many active people think they have to eat in a very specific way to support their sports, lifting, or athletic training, and that their diets must be vastly different than someone who doesn't exercise. Here's what you need to do in the kitchen to power your body for performance!
August 03, 2021
•3 min read
Eating better starts with thinking better. Here's how to conceptualize your diet so you can have success no matter how you eat or what your goals are!
August 03, 2021
•2 min read
Protein has become an essential tool of the fit life, but what's the best way to use it? How much protein do you need for weight loss and muscle gain, and can you have too much? Learn the essentials here.
August 03, 2021
•3 min read
A healthy body composition is something that is achievable and sustainable, even without a crazy diet! This video will show you how.
August 03, 2021
•3 min read
In a world where it seems like everyone is trying to lose weight, you're going to go against the grain and try to make the scale go up. Great! Here's how to do it right.
August 03, 2021
•3 min read
There's more to low-carb life than chicken and broccoli. This list of satisfying, fitness-boosting foods will help keep your carbohydrates (and cravings) in check.
August 03, 2021
•3 min read
The calorie is a flawed way to measure nutrition, but it has uses. Here's how to use it to your advantage, plus how to read food labels to help you lose weight and build muscle!
August 03, 2021
•2 min read
Not that long ago, dietary fats were vilified and blamed for weight gain, high cholesterol, and many other problems. Today, they're having a bit of a revival. Yes, you can take a targeted, quality-focused approach to fat. We'll show you how.
August 03, 2021
•2 min read
Supplements are perhaps the most controversial aspect of modern nutrition. No, they don't all do what they promise. But the science is clear that certain supplements do help with certain goals. Here are four to consider.
August 03, 2021
•3 min read