There's never really a perfect time to pick up fitness for the first time or start a new routine—you just do it. However, the dawn of a new year is as good a time as any. This year, we at want to help you find success, no matter your current fitness level or situation.
We've created a wide range of workout programs, each of which provides a start-to-finish guide for your daily workouts, nutrition plan, and supplementation schedule, with videos to help you along the way. We've taken the guesswork out of your fitness and diet regimen so you can focus on the actual process: picking up those weights and eating your healthy meals.
We've got training plans for complete beginners, or more advanced plans for those looking for a next-level challenge. The list below is a good starting point, but with 30 more on our Find a Plan page, you're sure to find one that is the perfect fit!
When you just want to dip a toe in first...

We understand; You want to "test drive" the whole fitness thing before committing to it. Maybe you've had bad experiences in the past or feel a little intimidated by what you see happening in the weight room. Hey, that's normal. Our seven-day beginner's guide is the perfect launch pad for fitness first-timers. Just give it an honest go and see what you can take away from it!
When you have no idea what to do...

The gym can be a scary place. It has its own special culture and dress code, seemingly unlimited options, and even its own dialect. Sets, reps, supersets, dropsets—what dimension did you just step into?
When you're ready to dive into a full beginner-friendly program, this is the one for you. By the end of the program, you'll be confident in your ability to push and pull with the most experienced lifters.
When you want to work out with a buddy...

Working out with a partner can be a lot more fun and productive than the solo route, but good luck finding a training program that's specifically designed for two lifters working together. Until now! Our first-ever partner training program uses some novel techniques to help brothers (or sisters) who train together grow together.
When you have less than a month to look your best...

While meaningful results are only earned over the long term, sometimes you've got to bust your hump during crunch time and reveal what you've been building. If you've got an important event coming up and you simply have to look and feel your best, "30 Days Out" is an intense and effective program that'll whip you into great shape in time.
When you want to be a badass...

Squats are a great foundational movement that everyone should be doing. But how often? Once a week won't cut it. Test your grit under the bar for four weeks by squatting every day, and you'll come out a different person at the end.
When you want to really challenge yourself...

Kris Gethin's 12-week trainer is not for the faint of heart—even by Gethin's own standards. It takes what you currently consider "intense," puts it through a meat grinder, fries it up, and serves it back to you on a 45-pound plate. If what you've been doing has been producing lackluster results, this might be the defibrillator your muscles need.
When you want our most popular trainer of all time...

One of our earliest trainers, LiveFit has withstood the test of time, providing an easy springboard to the fit life for anyone at any fitness level. But don't let that lead you to think it's easy!
Join premier fitness model Jamie Eason as she helps you through this 12-week workout program, complete with a shopping guide, eating plan, and plenty of now-legendary recipes (Turkey Meatloaf Muffins, anyone?). Millions of readers can't be wrong!
When you want to get strong as hell in the "big three" lifts...

If you need us to tell you that the "big three" are the bench press, deadlift, and squat, this trainer isn't for you. This is an advanced program designed by a record-setting powerlifter, Layne Norton, PhD. Oh, and he also happens to be a top natural bodybuilder, so you don't have to worry about not looking as strong as you'll become!
When you want to get back your "pre-pregnancy" body...

Moms, we heard your sighs after glancing at those pre-pregnancy photos. Fitness model and mother Jamie Eason has been there and shares her insight into living and training as a fit-and-in-charge mom in this 12-week training program, complete with a three-week "intro" program you can start as soon as you get your doctor's OK. She shows how to carve out the time to train, build a diet that will work for you and your baby, and even how to get a good sweat on while pushing a stroller. Take it from Jamie: One of the best things you can do for your family is to take care of yourself!
When you want to train like the greatest of all time...
You want to know the secret to becoming a living legend? Well, there are no secrets. There is, however, a blueprint. In the end, you're the one who still has to put in the hours of work in this brutal but incredibly rewarding training plan. You'll learn plenty about Arnold along the way, while putting his most revered training and nutrition techniques to the test. Step up to the challenge with one of our most popular muscle-building trainers, and make this New Year's resolution legendary.